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Table of contents

Economics and Social Sciences

Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.

Please note: The free use of Business Source Premier is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

Business Source Premier Logo with man in background

The EBSCO full-text database "DACH Information" covers a wide range of subject areas. In total, users have access to 775 German-language journals and magazines in the fields of humanities and natural sciences, economics, law, media and the arts.

The database shall comprise:

  • 598 full-text journals and magazines (without open access),
  • 373 peer-reviewed journals in full text (without open access,
  • 274 peer-reviewed journals in full text without embargo (without open access),
  • 144 full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus (without Open Access)

Here is the current list of titles by topic of the journals in PDF.

Subject areas:

  • Art
  • Business and economy
  • Communication
  • Education and teaching
  • Law
  • History
  • Humanities
  • Linguistics
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Mathematics
  • Care
  • Psychology
  • Social sciences and social work
  • STEM and more

Please note: The DACH Information database can be used together with the Business Source Premier database via Ebsco Host. To do this, select the other database Business Source Premier in the database selection in addition to the database DACH Information in the menu.

Please note: The free use of DACH Information is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

The database Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (EMCS) offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace. All cases have teaching notes, which are rigorously reviewed to ensure their learning objectives facilitate dynamic classroom discussion and help faculty plan how best to use the case.

Please note: The free use of EMCS is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

Logo Emerald Publishing

The library portal of the F. A. Z. is a product of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Archiv". In the library portal of the F.A.Z. archive you have the opportunity to search different sources of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and print or save articles. The following sources are available in the portal:

  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung für Deutschland | since 1st Nov. 1949
  • Frankfurter allgemeine Sonntagszeitung | since 4th Mar. 1990
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine magazin | since 2013
  • Frankurter Allgemeine FAZ.NET | since 2000
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine WOCHE | since 2016
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine METROPOL | since 2016
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly | 4 times a year since 2016
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Einspruch | since 2017
  • Frankfurter Rundschau | over two million journal articles since 1995

Please note: The free use of the library portal of the F. A. Z. is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

This overview combines the offer of more than 6000 available e-books in the fields of Business & Management, Business & Finance, History, Literature & Performing Arts, Political & International Studies, Social & Cultural Studies etc.

Please note: The free use of Palgrave Connect is only possible within the university Intranet and university VPN-access.

Statista provides access to quantitative facts regarding over 80,000 topics drawn from over 22,500 renowned sources from 170 industries. We offer access to the German and International Statista platform.

Please note: The free use of Statista is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

WDI Online enables access to the world database.

Tutorials: Get started

Please note: This is a freely accessible database.

WiSo-Database offers the most comprehensive range of German literature for the Economic and Social Sciences with a fast and efficient access to 2.7 million full texts of more than 290 magazines, more than 7.2 million references from the scientific topics psychology, social sciences and economics, 86 million articles from the daily and weekly press, and 34 million corporate information.

Please note: The free use of WiSo is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.


Beck-Online allows full-text access to the legal standard works of C.H Beck., authoritative comments and manuals, nearly all of Beck's magazines, including archives, extensive case law and more than 4,000 laws.

Please note: The free use of Beck-online is possible with VPN access and a free Beck-online login. After you are logged in to the university network via VPN, please register for free on the website using your HTW-Berlin e-mail address.

Juris is the legal information system for the Federal Republic of Germany. With the help of databases which are available online, a search of legal norms, jurisprudence, administrative regulations, books and journal articles in almost all areas of German law is possible. In addition, you have access to Staudinger BGB.

Please note: The free use of Juris is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

The database NWB MAX is german only and contains many articles from the field taxation or accounting. It offers a live feed on the latest news in taxation or accounting.

  • The database offers various journals:
    • NWB Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht
    • NWB Rechnungswesen
    • NWB Unternehmensteuern und Bilanzen
    • NWB Betriebswirtschaftliche Beratung
    • NWB Erben und Vermögen
    • NWB Internationale Rechnungslegung
    • NWB Internationales Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht
    • NWB Wirtschaftsprüfung
    • all special issues of the journals as PDF
    • Content of the information service VAT
    • Contents of the wage and salary information service
  • extensive online comments such as
    • Hallerbach/Nacke/Rehfeld (ed. ), Trade Tax Act Commentary
    • Kanzler/Kraft/Bäuml et al. (Ed. ), Income Tax Act Commentary
    • Hofmann (ed. ), Land Transfer Tax Act Comment

The Infocenter also offers various encyclopaedias, explained keywords and basic articles.
The guidelines also offer a quick help for the database.

Please note: The free use of NWB MAX database is only possible within the university Intranet and university VPN-access.

nwb pro database


The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing:

  • The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books.
  • A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers.
  • The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing.
  • A richly interlinked set of connections among authors, works, institutions, and specialized communities

Please note: The free use of ACM Digital Library is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.


Physik Online provides detailed lectures on the entire curriculum of physics, from elementary foundations to further specialized fields. Concise overview texts, easy-to-understand explanations and compact summaries enable an optimal understanding of the subject areas.

  • Covering the whole curriculum of Physics
  • Quick and comprehensive information to more than 100 subjects with extended lists of further reading including annual updates
  • Swift results due to detailed Thesaurus of 20,000 keywords
  • Special highlighted content like Examples, Exercise/Solution, Consider, Learning Target and Summary
  • Inclusive Bermann/Schaefer Physics Online

Content: Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Optics, Thermodynamics/Heat, States of matter, Components of matter, Astrophysics, Applied physics, Physics didactics, Mathematical methods and Concepts/Sizes/Units.

Please note: The free use of Bergmann/Schaefer is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

Please note: From 1st September 2020 the database Bergmann/Schaefer Physik Online will be offered as part of the new Physik Online reference. Up to the end of 2020 there will be updates, after this, there will be no more updates but the state of the database will be preserved and available. (09/2020)

Physics online logo

FGSV-Regulatory Guidelines

The FGSV-Regulatory Guidelines, is released by the Research Institute for Roads and Transportation. All technical regulations ranges road construction and traffic engineering there are in digital form.

Please note:
Access to the database is only possible in the campus network via the computer in the reading rooms of the Central Library Campus Treskowallee and the Library Campus Wilhleminenhof.
Any use on your own laptop or through the VPN client is not possible.

The  IEEE Electronic Library (IEL)  is a powerful resource for discovery of and access to scientific and technical content published by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners.

The IEL provides web access to more than five million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. More than two-million documents are in robust, dynamic HTML format. 

This content is offeres via the IEEE Electronic Library:

  • over 1 million articles from 198+ journals
  • 1,400+ conference proceedings
  • 14,000+ papers from selected VDE conferences
  • 5,100+ technical standards
  • about 2000 E-Books
  • 400+ educational courses
  • 4,800 IEEE standards documents

Approximately 20,000 new documents are added to IEL each month.

Please note: The free use of IEEE Electronic Library is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

Nautos is a database supporting users searching for standards and technical regulations. DIN standards can also be accessed.

The following DIN standards are available:


  • the german standards, including all designs, pre-standards and supplements
  • DIN EN standards (European standards adopted by DIN)
  • DIN EN ISO standards: DIN ISO standards (international standards established as European standards and then adopted automatically by DIN)
  • DIN ETS standards (European telecommunications standards adopted by DIN)
  • DIN IEC standards (International electro-technical standards adopted by DIN)



  • ATTENTION: these are only available on CD-ROM (please contact the circulation desk in the library Campus Wilhelminenhof check)

Please note: The free use of Nautos is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

Please read § 53 Urheberrechtsgesetz before use. Authorized users are permitted to print / save the search results only for personal academic purposes. Sending standards in part or whole by e-mail is not permitted. Those opening the Perinorm database programme are required to indicate that they acknowledge and accept these conditions.

Members of HTW are allowed to duplicate parts of the content for teaching purposes.

RÖMPP Online is the most extensive encyclopedia in chemistry and related subjects and offers access to information on the following topics:

  • biotechnology and biogenetics
  • chemistry
  • food chemistry
  • materials science and engineering
  • natural material
  • environmental and process technology

Many structural formulas, diagrams and web links help in understanding the contents and offer helpful insights.

Please note: The free use of RÖMPP Online is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

Logo Römpp

Construction Engineering

Under are many technical information for planning and building, bundled from various databases of the Fraunhofer IRB. The information will be continuously expanded and maintained by professionals.

Please note: This is a freely accessible website.

RSWBplus is an extensive literature data base on all topics related to building and construction.

  • papers published in journals
  • book chapters and textbooks
  • dissertations
  • conference papers and proceedings
  • research reports
  • technical bulletins, standard specifications, norms (from Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
  • gray literature

Many publications can be read online or ordered at Frauenhofer IRB.

Please note: The free use of RSWBplus is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-Access.

Art / Design

Bloomsbury Fashion Central is a dynamic digital hub for interdisciplinary research in fashion and dress. Content is peer reviewed by industry and academic experts and includes interconnected major reference works, exclusive articles, scholarly eBooks, case studies, biographies, lesson plans, bibliographic guides, textbooks, video content, runway and backstage photos from fashion shows, and tens of thousands of images from museums around the world to create a rich educational resource.

Besides the Berg Fashion Library and the Fairchild Books Library, you can find the Bloomsbury Fashion Video Archive here. Showcasing nearly 3,000 fashion videos from the YOOX-NET-A-PORTER Runway Archive Collections, the Bloomsbury Fashion Video Archive documents fashion’s most spectacular era, from 1979 to 2003. Collection highlights include Vivienne Westwood’s provocative shows, disruptive innovators Hussein Chalayan and Rei Kawakubo, les enfants terribles Alexander McQueen and John Galliano, and the rise of the supermodels.
The videos are accompanied by exclusive scholarly articles that provide essential context to the collection, shedding light on key shows, the evolution of trends, iconic designers, and the transformation of runway spectacles to performance art. Articles have been specially curated by Valerie Steele, Director of the Museum at FIT, New York.

Please note: The free use of Bloomsbury Fashion Central is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo der Datenbank Bloomsbury Fashion Central

In Prometheus you will find 1,475,384 high-quality digitized images from the fields of arts, culture and history.
Prometheus is a distributed digital image archive that currently connects 87 databases from institutes, research facilities and museums on a common user interface. Situated at the Institute of Art History of the University of Cologne, prometheus is supported by the non-profit association prometheus e.V. which promotes the ongoing developments of the digital media for science and research.

Please note: The free use of Prometheus is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access. Users are required to login via their campus access before researching in Prometheus. Users are required to confirm that they have read and agree to the conditions of use. Then you can ‘enter’ the picture archive.

SiLK the Security Guide heritage of the Conference of National Cultural Institutions is used with his introductory essays, questionnaires and knowledge pool of raising awareness for the issue of security and the protection of cultural assets in museums, libraries and archives.

Please note: This is a freely accessible website.

The Database WGSN contains prognosis data with which to estimate trends in fashion, retail and consumption.

Tutorials: WGSN Youtube-Channel

Please note:  The free use of WGSN is only possible within the university intranet or via VPN Access and with an account valid for 90 days. Please use the following instruction:


Langenscheidt Online-Dictionariesare available in multiple languages to various fields such as engineering, economics, electrical engineering, etc. as well as dictionaries of foreign words, Duden, etc.

Please note: The free use of Langescheidt is only possible within the university Intranet and via university VPN-access.