Online Services - An Overview
Various online services are available to students and members of HTW Berlin via the HTW Berlin University Library.
Access to the old VPN Cisco AnyConnect has been switched off by the IT-Helpcenter for security reasons.
How to access online resources now:
Many resources are already accessible via institutional login. Simply log in directly to the relevant databases or publishing platforms by using your HTW account. This access is called Shibboleth. Where we can currently offer Shibboleth is listed here >>>
For all other databases, please use the OpenVPNand the Horizon Client Pool “Bibliothek Remote Access” or any Horizon Pool of your department in the Horizon Client.
What is the Horizon Client? The Horizon Client is required to create a secure virtual environment at the university. As soon as you are logged in, databases and websites automatically recognize the IP of the university. Click here for the instruction to installation >>>
Please also note that not all offers on the websites of the respective publishers and database providers are also licensed by the University Library and can be read in full text.
We will be happy to answer your inquiries by e-mail at and by telephone on 030 5019-2221.
Table of contents
In addition to using the webOPAC to research all print media available at HTW Berlin, you can also use it to search for online media and access all licensed e-books, online journals and online media available via DFG’s national licences. Not included: Journal articles and other specialist information from databases.
Here you will find a list of databases sorted by topic. This service is particularly interesting if you want to search for journal articles or for e-books, standards, statistics or other specialist information.
This web page explains the services offered by the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) where you can research in all e-journals of HTW Berlin. There is also a collection of important, frequently used online journals. All journals and newspapers that are offered online can also be researched via the WebOPAC.
This website provides an overview of the major publishers and database providers from which the university library purchases e-books. When researching e-books, it is more effective to use the WebOPAC which has a full list of all e-books.
Here you will find a selection of online offerings that have been acquired via DFG-funded national licences and provide free access to electronic information (databases, digital text collections and electronic journals). These online media can also be researched in the WebOPAC.
Learning via video tutorials, a LinkedIn account is not required.