
Please note that all e-books of the respective publisher can be found on the individual provider websites, including offers not licensed by the HTW Library. Therefore, please start a search via our online catalogue (webOPAC).

Table of contents

Beck-Online allows full-text access to the legal standard works of C.H Beck., authoritative comments and manuals, nearly all of Beck's magazines, including archives, extensive case law and more than 4,000 laws.

Please note: The free use of Beck-online is possible with VPN access and the Horizon Client and a free Beck-online login. Once you are logged into the university network in the Horizon Client via the pool Bibliothek Remote Access, register for free on the website using your HTW Berlin e-mail address.

Bloomsbury Collections offers various collections of e-books:

In addition, Bloomsbury Open Access provides access to other free e-books.

Information about Open Access >>>

logo Bloomsbury collections

Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.


  • DeGruyter Online (Mathematics , Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics and Social Sciences etc.)

Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.

The directory of open access books (DOAB) is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers.
All books listed in DOAB are freely accessible and therefore free to read. The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of open access books.


The HANSER eLibrary offers technical information for engineers and technicians in training or already in profession as well as for scientists at universities and institutions.

There are different subjects available:

Please note: In the advanced search you can add the option "Only Content I Have Full Access To" to limit your results.

Please note: The free use of the ebooks only possible within the intranet and via VPN and Horizon of our university.

As a standard reference work, the Chronological Lexicon of European Textile History offers for the first time a comprehensive overview on more than 350 pages.

  • The time register contains all events in chronological order from the beginning of textiles to the present.
  • The index contains the most important terms in alphabetical order and the relevant dates.
  • The register of names lists the outstanding personalities of textile history, while the register of places includes places of particular importance for European textile history.

The e-book "Chronological Lexicon of European Textile History" is available free of charge in german under this link after registration with Hohenstein.] Als Standardwerk bietet das Chronologische Lexikon der europäischen Textilgeschichte auf über 350 Seiten erstmals einen umfassenden Überblick.

Please note: The free use of the ebooks only possible within the intranet and via VPN and Horizon of our university.


The library offers access to the following books: 

Access is gained through the following steps:

  1. Registration via the registration mask under the link:

    Each user of the products must register once via the HTW e-mail address.
  2. After registration, the user will receive a verification email. Verification is done by clicking on the link in the mail.
  3. To use the products, the user must now log in via the link above (username and password).
  4. After login, all licensed copies are displayed.

Note: You can create individual notes or mark text sections for printing by registering.

Please note: The free use of the ebooks only possible within the intranet and via VPN and Horizon of our university.

Please note: The free use of the ebooks only possible within the intranet and via VPN and Horizon of our university.

OAPEN Library



The free OECD iLibrary allows research and a reading access to image files of full texts.

Springer Nature Link

Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.

Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.

Vahlen eLibrary

Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.

The VDI Verlag eLibrary makes knowledge for engineers accessible with high-quality technical content from VDI Verlag and VDI Fachmedien.

These include eleven renowned trade media from the fields of construction, design/production, logistics, energy and environment, the weekly newspaper VDI nachrichten and over 300 VDI reports and "Fortschritt-Berichte VDI" as eBooks. VDI reports provide cutting-edge engineering knowledge and the latest research results. Current dissertations on technical-scientific topics are published in 23 series as "Fortschritt-Berichte VDI".

Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.


Please note: The free use of the ebooks is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.