Journals and magazines

Here you find a selection of the available e-journals.

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Table of contents

The "Dach Information" database by EBSCO covers a wide range of subjects such as humanities and natural sciences, business, law, media and art. A total of 775 journals and magazines in German language are available.

For example the following journals and magazines are included:

  •  Betriebspraxis und Arbeitsforschung
  • brand eins
  • Bucerius Law Journal
  • Ernährung Heute
  • Harvard Business Manager
  • Kritische Justiz
  • RdW-Kurzreport
  • Zeitschrift für Politik

Please note: The free use of the journals is only possible within the intranet and via VPN and Horizon of our university.

HTW Berlin participates in the contract with the publisher Elsevier. Since January 1, 2024, members of the HTW Berlin have reading access to almost the publisher's entire portfolio and can also publish open access in Elsevier magazines.

Please note: The free use of the journals is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.

The Makronom is an online magazine on economic policy. Recent news and debates are evaluated from a macroeconomic perspective.

Logo Makronom

Please note: The free use of the journals is only possible within the intranet and via VPN and Horizon of our university.

HTW Berlin participates in the DEAL-contract since 2020. Members of the HTW Berlin therefore have access to almost the entire journal portfolio on the Springer Nature-platform. Perpetual access is provided for the years of participation.

Logo SpringerLink

Please note: The free use of the journals is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.

HTW Berlin participates in the DEAL-contract since 2019. Members of the HTW Berlin therefore have access to almost the entire journal portfolio on the Wiley Online Library-Plattform. Perpetual access is provided for the years of participation. 

Logo Wiley

Please note: The free use of the journals is only possible within the intranet and via institutional login (Shibboleth). Search for the institution directly within the login process on the site and log in with your HTW account.