Instructions for Students

Upload of the thesis to Ouriginal (without account)

To have your work checked by Ouriginal, you can send an e-mail to the analysis e-mail address of the person checking it. This analysis email always ends with "". Please check with the teacher that you have received a correct e-mail address for submission.

Please add your document to the attachment and send the e-mail with a meaningful subject.

The document will be received by Ouriginal and you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt after a short time. In this e-mail, please confirm that you agree to the indexing of your work. By doing so, you will be included in the Ouriginal archive as reference material for work submitted by other students and make it more difficult for others to copy and reuse your work. The note will appear in German and English.

You do not need to do anything else. Your document has been submitted to Ouriginal for review.