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Reading room 2 closed from 05.08.2024 - 16.08.2024

From 05.08.2024, maintanace work will take place in reading room 2 at Campus Treskowallee. Reading room 2 will therefore be closed from 05.08.-16.08.2024. Reading room 1 is not affected.

Your library team

Changing the refernce management system

The library has had a license for Citavi, a reference management program, for years. We provided regular training and support for this program. This license now expires on 31.12.2024 and will not be renewed for various reasons.

Instead, we are now offering support for the open source program Zotero. Zotero has very similar functions and support options for reference management. As with Citavi, we will be providing extensive training courses on Zotero and explaining its functions in detail.

All important information about the changeover can be found here: There are detailed instructions for migrating your own projects to Zotero.

As additional support, we will be offering migration consultation hours over the next six months. The first dates will take place in July: 15.07.2024 15-17 o'clock and 26.07.2024 13-15 o'clock. (Link to the online room).

This month online training from the library via Moodle:

  • Especially recommended for first semester students, we offer basic training for WebOPAC, online resources and VPN for a complete overview right from the start: Thu, 11th July 2024 - 4:00 p.m. (in English)
  • And for all those who are about to write their final thesis, we offer the Zotero training - literature management with one click: Thu, 25th July 2024 - 5:00 p.m. (in English)

For further appointments and enquiries please send an e-mail to .

To the dates >>>

To the Moodle course and to the registration >>>