Open Science
In addition to Open Access, there is also talk of Open Science and Open Research in academia. What do these terms mean and how do they relate to Open Access?
Open Science or Open Research can be defined as:
a set of principles and practices that aim to make scientific research from all fields accessible to everyone for the benefits of scientists and society as a whole. (UNESCO 2022, p. 2)
The maxim that underpins these principles and practices is "as open as possible". This means enabling the greatest possible access to knowledge, within the limits of absolutely necessary restrictions, for example with regard to human rights, confidentiality, intellectual property rights or personal data.
Open Science is thus articulated in a complex set of practices, of which Open Access is a core element. Below is an image that illustrates these practices.

As outlined in its research strategy, HTW Berlin promotes an open and innovation-friendly scientific culture. It therefore actively supports the principles of Open Science with the aim of increasing the impact of research and helping to shape a positive and sustainable future for all people.
UNESCO (2022). An introduction to the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. United Nations Educational: Paris.