Advisory services and current events on Open Access

Table of contents

Open Access Advising

Do you need support with your Open Access publication? The University Library advises members of HTW Berlin on all topics related to Open Access! The topics for which we offer support include, for example:

Contact addresses

Alessandro D'Arcangeli
 +49 30 5019-2955
 Informationsvermittlung, Open Access, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Bibliothek

Upcoming events

In winter semester 2024/25 the Open Access Lunch Talk series "Understanding Open Access" will take place again!

The following topics will be covered this semester:

  • Publishing Open Access (general introduction)
  • Predatory publishing: Fraudulent and questionable practices in scholarly communication
  • Research data & Open Access
  • Secondary publication rights for researchers

Further information will follow shortly.