Q&A - Good Scientific Practice - Ouriginal as a Plagiat Software Tool

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What is plagiarism?

According to Teddi Fishman: "Plagiarism occurs when someone

  1. Uses words, ideas, or work products
  2. Attributable to another identifiable person or source
  3. Without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained
  4. In a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship
  5. In order to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain which need not be monetary" (Fishman 2009, p. 5)

Fishman, T. (2009) “We know it when we see it” is not good enough: toward a standard definition of plagiarism that transcends theft, fraud, and copyright  In Proceedings of the Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity (4APCEI) 28–30 September 2009 University of Wollongong NSW Australia.

Consequences of Plagiarism

If it is a question of plagiarism, this may be considered an attempt to deceive pursuant to § 17 1 StPO. In this case, the performance of the examination will be assessed as “not sufficient” (5.0). In particularly severe cases (e. g. in the event of a repeated attempt to deceive) the exmatriculation takes place, § 17 4 RStPO. It is also possible to withdraw the university degree after completion of the studies.

Ensuring good scientific work at the HTW Berlin

In order to ensure fair treatment of the study and examination performance of all students and compliance with good scientific practice, cheating in the form of plagiarism must be excluded. Any form of cheating will be punished according to the examination regulations.



Detect and Prevent Plagiarism with Ouriginal

Ouriginal is a fully-automatic machine learning text-recognition system made for detecting, preventing and handling plagiarism, no matter which language you are writing in.

Ouriginal brings together the combined expertise of Urkund and PlagScan’s plagiarism detection, spanning over three decades. It is a similarity detection solution that combines text-matching with writing-style analysis to promote academic integrity and help prevent plagiarism.

Form for Lecturers for Account Creation

To register an account, we need some additional information from you.

Form “Registration Ouriginal” [PDF-Download]

  1. Please fill out the form above.
  2. Send it by e-mail to bibliothek@htw-berlin.de
  3. Your account will then be created and you will receive an e-mail from Ouriginal within a week. With this email you complete the registration.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or phone. You can find instructions on how to get started at Ouriginal here.

Declaration of Consent for Students

To upload a document to Ouriginal for review, the consent of the author of the work is required. This declaration is part of the admission process for your thesis and is asked for in the application for admission.